I've been struggling to understand popularity on the Internet, and I haven't caught on yet. Some thoughts on this and the current state of affairs.
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...I told my co-worker that day that I had a guy at my place, and she asked why I would trust someone to just stay at my place while I work all day. I gave her the best answer I could:
I have to trust him because in the future I'm going to be asking people to trust me in the same way.
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A new series about capitalism and the declining value of the humans involved.
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Vacations are for beaches, relaxing, and rejuvenation, right? That's what everyone keeps telling me. For some reason I always end my vacations more tired than I was when they began. In this post, I explore the reasons behind my failure to vacation well.
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Accolades. We all want them. Don't deny it. You want them. I know I do. We live in a society obsessed with them. We spend hours pouring over Instagram feeds, scrolling down Facebook walls, and endlessly clicking through any number of other social media outlets. All the while, we're wondering how many people "liked" our last post, our last image, our last witty retort.
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