Howdy! I'm George!
Looking through this website, you may get the impression that I’m looking for work as a photographer. I wouldn’t blame you for thinking that, but it really isn’t the goal anymore.
Over the past 10 years, I’ve spent a lot of time in the classroom teaching English as an acquired language, and I’ve enjoyed it immensely. It’s given me the opportunity to live in multiple countries across the globe. However, I am now pursuing a master’s degree in Digital Learning Games.
While I was raised and began my education in Texas, it has been a while since I called it home. I spent 2014 and most of 2015 living, teaching, and shooting in South Korea, and then spent most of 2016 on the road. In 2017, I moved to New Zealand for a year on a working holiday visa, then I moved to Vietnam where I stayed until 2021. I spent part of 2022 in Costa Rica, and I am now studying at Tallinn University in Estonia.
This website will remain up for as long as I can afford it, but its direction may change quite a bit in the coming months and years. If you’ve been a long-time visitor, I hope the change is not too jarring, and I hope that you’ll continue to stop in from time to time.
For prints, bookings, portfolio reviews, photography lessons, English lessons, or other services, please email me at GeorgeABoyle@gmail.com