The academy at which I work is about a mile away from my apartment so I walk every day. A few weeks ago I realized that I was missing a ton of great shots, so I started carrying my camera on the walk. I know it sounds like common sense, but for some reason I wasn't doing it. I don't tend to take too many pictures on the way, but every once in a while I catch something I like. Here are a few for your viewing pleasure!
So, this hasn't been so misadventure-y yet. Walking to work isn't really a misadventure all the time, is it? Well, from time to time, it is. Just last week, my co-workers and I were walking to work when a man approached us on the street. "I want to change the world," he said as way of greeting.
I've encountered enough weird in my travels, that I feel I have a good sense for when you don't want to have a conversation with someone. I knew I didn't really want to continue a conversation with this man.
John, bless his heart, dove right in, asking, "How are you going to do that?"
I'm paraphrasing, but he essentially said we need to start World War III with North Korea. He then proceeded to follow us all the way to where we work, and even wanted to come up to the Hagwon (academy) with us, thinking he could take classes there. John politely pointed him toward a PC room (cheap place to play computer games), and thus evaded the strange man.
Stay tuned for more misadventures!