I grew up listening to NPR. In my earliest memories of waking up, I can hear the sound of the Morning Edition theme song drifting down the hall from my dad's room. Ira Glass, Teri Gross, Carl Kasell, and dozens of others have been ever present voices in my life.
As soon as I got an iPod, I started downloading podcasts. I've listened to thousands of hours of them. They are my go-to source of entertainment for long journeys. The soundtrack to my bicycle tour was podcasts. The soundtrack to my last road trip was podcasts. Every time I go out walking to take photos, I'm listening to podcasts. When I ride my bike to work... you get the idea.
So a while ago, I started thinking to myself, "What if I did a podcast?" For a while I thought about interviewing photographers, thinking it would be interesting to have a discussion with visual artists without any accompanying visuals. That idea got scrapped pretty quickly. But I still wanted to do some sort of interview/story show. Suddenly, it hit me. I should do a travel show. Not just any travel show, mind you, but a travel show about misadventures.
The plan is to interview travelers about their worst and/or best travel stories where everything went wrong.
But it's not just going to be a podcast! Included, will be portraits of the interviewees! It will be a multi-media podcast!
I just got the voice recorder in the mail today. I've started playing around with it, and I'm already realizing that I am totally out of my depth. I'm still discovering who I am as a photographer, and here I am playing around with a new medium that I've never been anything but a spectator to.
Don't get me wrong, I'm completely excited about this move, but I don't want to go totally crazy trying to pull this together. It may take me a while to get the first episode out, but I promise, if I'm quiet on social media for a while (or quieter than usual) there's a good reason for it!
Until next time, have some great misadventures! Seriously. And tell me about them when you're able to laugh about them again!